'Mina meets Cambridge' book launch

Sunday, 13 Sept 2015, 12 pm - World, meet Mina! 
It all started with a challenge by Oxford boy Helmi who picked up a picture book about Oxford and said, "Surely Cambridge can write a better children's book than Oxford." 
There's always this perceived rivalry between Oxford and Cambridge. Well, Oxford might have started on a few things but Cambridge always made them better! Hehehe... 
Although Cambridge University Press doesn't publish children's books anymore, and NAC rejected my funding application etc., we persevered despite the challenges and voila, Mina is born! As per the values put forth in the book, we walked the talk and gave a first-time book illustrator the opportunity to work with us. When we believe in the potential of people, we might just be surprised with the results! 

Story: Mina is excited to visit her elder sister, Zara, in Cambridge. Mina has heard so much about Cambridge University from Zara and longs to visit. As Mina spends time with her sister, she discovers many interesting facts about Cambridge. However, she wonders why Zara does not seem to notice the charming characters they meet along the way…

Mina meets Cambridge is a whimsical story of an imaginative girl’s adventure in Cambridge. There, she learns that in order to be successful, one needs to work hard, persevere, and have the courage to dream big.

Check out the book launch photos on Facebook


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