Malays of University of Cambridge

It's Easter term already? Gasp... where did time fly to? This term is madness, what with the exams, thesis-writing... As I frantically try to study and finish up reading that stacks of books, my mind wonders off... did the Malays of University of Cambridge in yesteryears struggle like how I'm struggling now?

Kak Putri's timely message on Facebook enclosing a photo of her uncle Raja Zahar (photo: top left) inspired me to compile photos of the Malays who studied at Cambridge. I'm so impressed with their achievements and contributions to society. Will I be able to walk in their giant shoes?

More photos and info on Facebook


Que Sera Sera said…
Salaam Dear Hidayah,
I'm speechless. Thank you for putting up this photo in your block. Though my late uncle couldn't make it through to this days, I am proud that his success story has spurred your motivation & hopefully it will inspire others too. He was a fine gentleman, so was the story told to me by his living siblings. He was the eldest in my late mothers family.
Thank you again.
Love, KP.
Que Sera Sera said…
Excuse me. Typo-error.
I mean..'blog' :)

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